Thursday, August 25, 2011

Week 10-August 25-Final reflections

The course is closing and I have a very mixed feeling about it. On the one hand, I am very happy to have had a chance of fruitful collaboration with the colleagues from different parts of the world. All the participants are highly qualified professionals and I've learned a lot from their experience! On the other hand, I am very sad because we have to say goodbye and to stop our discussions and meetings online!
I am very grateful to University of Oregon for giving us the opportunity to get this amazing and unforgettable experience! I am very grateful to Robert who was very helpful and responsive to our needs! Robert provided perfect guidance and made this course very dynamic and exciting!!
All the topics were interesting and informative. It's hard to choose just one or two which I consider the most important. I really liked our discussions on the different types of learners and what technology and tools can be used with the consideration to different learners' needs. Web searching, Learning Objectives, Teaching productive and receptive skills, project-based learning, etc. all of these topics were beneficial in their particular ways.
There are so many tools I want to introduce into my classroom that it is difficult to enumerate all of them. I really want to see how webquests work, and to introduce rubrics into my teaching. I am excited about Voxopop tool and what opportunities they may open for my students' speaking development!

Thank you, my dear friends and colleagues, for your sharing and participation! It was great honor for me to work with you! Keep in touch and maybe some day we'll have a chance to meet face-to-face))


  1. Hello, Iuliia Shalina,
    Again I agree with you, Robert is a good facilitator, all time he gave us the appropriate assistance.
    All topic were useful, We could refresh our knowledges and find out some other new ones, especially about technology resources.
    Thanks for sharing your ideas and experiences with us.
    It was nice to meet you online!
    Good luck with you projects!
    Best Regards,
    Santiago Sanguña

  2. Hi lullia,

    I share your feelings towards this course, as I am sad that it is coming to an end and happy to have met you all and shared our experiences through our discussions. Whenever I read your blogs, there is always an important point that I make use of. Like for example when you mentioned the speaking tool VoxoPop, I logged on it and will have my students use it to practice their speaking.

    It was a great pleasure meeting you and maybe we will get the chance to meet in person one of these days.

  3. Hi Iuliia

    I agree with you, this was an interesting and great course, it´s true that we learn a lot but I think the most important thing was to share our opinion between us, I don´t think we have to say good bye because now we have this extraordinary tool called technology which will allow us to be in contact sharing our experiences, I could notice the different approaches we have of teaching English including technology, but at the same time I think we can improve our process feeding our knowledge with different opinions, this course has provided us a big guide to use technology in our class, and I want to thank for that too.

    My country is a very nice one, think about to visit us.

    A big hug.

  4. Hi Iuliia

    I always feel mixed at the end as well. It is a bit sad, but always rewarding to have accomplished a set of goals as well.

    I will miss you and all the rest from this class. We had a particularly great group this time!

    Take care,
