Thursday, June 30, 2011

Week-June 30- writing ABCD learning objectives

ABCD learing objectives writing was not an easy task for me. To tell you the truth, I very seldom write my lesson objectives but I keep them in my head when getting ready for the lesson. Although as a teacher I do realize how important it is to have very clear objectives of the lesson and that the effectiveness of the latter and its success totally depends on its objectives. Thus, when I was aked to write the one, I found it really difficult. Something that I've been always doing subconsciously and that has never caused me any problem turned out so puzzling and confusing. I think from now on I will do it more often in writing!


  1. I agree with you luliia that seeing the objectives of the whole course before teaching is essential in its success. In my case the intended learning objectives were always there, but the responsibility of planning the course weekly plan was always the module leaders' task. At the end of this course, I believe I will be able to come up with new suggested material that are aligned with the objectives.

  2. I agree with you both...I usually use the SMART model in writing objectives, so I guess using the ABCD model is going to add to my knowledge..good luck Iuliia.

