Friday, August 5, 2011

Week 7- August 5- My deep reflections

This week was very intensive because we had two topics to explore and discuss. Both topics are of a paramount importance. I think learner autonomy issue, as well as one-computer classroom issue, have been disregarded for a long time.  The real attention and interest in the issues in question gained not so long ago.
Learner autonomy became topical when the communicative approach proved to be effective and initial. The problem of the learners’ over-dependency on the teacher was recognized. The more we teach, the less students will learn. They start learning when we stop teaching. Teacher’s role is to assist and show the way how students can improve, gain or dev lop their knowledge. At that very moment when the teacher realizes this important fact and starts taking measures as to developing students’ autonomy, the real learning will begin.
The main problem that the teacher may come across is students’ strong resistance to autonomy. Students already have some educational background and expectations when they start learning the language. If the previous experience was completely different (and most often it is), students don’t meet their expectations.
The solution we came up during our discussions was to integrate autonomy gradually (step-by-step), smoothly, without any pressure from the teacher’s side and in natural way. The most effective way is to encourage group works, pair works, peer-checking or correction, peer-assistance, project work, etc.
As to one computer class, I realized that my vision of that was absolutely limited. I’ve never had even a slight idea that one computer can open so many opportunities for effective classroom management, vocabulary or grammar presentation, practice (controlled); that it can serve as the administrative tool as well and can help develop and encourage students creativity and imagination.
The main issues for teacher’s consideration are:
-          Efficient classroom management
-          Good lesson plan with clear aims and objective as well as with anticipated problems and solutions
-          Clear instructions to the students
-          Make the process clear to the students
-          Be aware that students should be assisted and monitored
I think all of us are real one-computer classroom experts!)


  1. Hi, Iuliia

    It`s so nice read your comments about this course, your point of view is so easy to understand and think about some reflections, as you know we`re finishing with a very hard work, but full of interesting tips to put in practice in class.
    in order to pretend that our students become autonomous learners capable to do a lot of things and the most important, to improve their knowledge and have the enough self motivation to continue learning by themselves, when we talk about autonomy we have to take in count the support and cooperation, the teacher`s role as supporting and creating room for the development of autonomy is very demanding and very important.

    Take care
    Bye, Edu

  2. Hi Julia,

    I completely agree with you, the biggest problem of the learners’ over-dependency on the teacher was recognized. As teachers our role is to improve knowledge to our students, and realize about our students’ autonomy.

    Getting learners autonomy is a real process which is necessary to do step by step. At the beginning, they feel embarrassed when they are learning, for that reason, it is important that teacher should pressure their students at the beginning, monitoring their work; and after that let them to get the necessary knowledge to be independent to work alone.



  3. Hi Iuliia
    I like the way you have summarized what teachers can do to counter resistance. I think we are sometimes surprised when students don't want to be independent! At least I first. But now I know it when I see it, and have some good ideas of how to respond.
